This you..? You post once about your latest project then never talk about it again..You see people who need your service but haaaate to message

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Feel better about your marketing by focusing on how you make people feel

This you..?

You post once about your latest project then never talk about it again..
You see people who need your service but haaaate to message them first..
You chat to folk who want what you do but can’t bring yourself to ask them to buy..

Baby, don’t make me spell it out for you…
(unashamed Janelle Monáe reference)

If dat you, I’d guess you’re worried how you’ll make other people feel

I only guess that because it’s how I feel ‘bout stuff like that.

I hate being the “click the link below” guy, but I’ve done it a lot (eugh). It makes me cringe every time.

But there are ways to do this stuff so you don’t have to feel weird!

So how to get out your own way??

Stop second guessing all your intentions! (that one feels shoehorned in but I’ve no regrets!)

You got a service. The people who’ve used that service like the results! You know that even if you’ve never collected a testimonial in your life..

When you approach your promo with honesty and a willingness to help, people feel it. They can tell you’re trying to help and not just trying to sell them shit.

Here’s an example from when I was chatting to Zillinger Design Co. (they gave me permish to share)

They’re on the verge of going freelance full time and I was offering to help them do it..

I’d said hey first, we’d talked about what they wanted to do and the challenges that stood in their way.

I’d offered to help, they said not right now.

No pressure.
No coercing.
Just two people having a chat.

I know I can help, I’ve helped people successfully make that leap before. But it’s for them to decide if they’re interested and if they’re ready.

But here’s the kicker… they can only make that decision if they know there’s an offer!

So offer it to people. Give them the chance to say yes!

Be powerful with a little bit of tender (third reference! Seriously, check out this tune)

If they say no, that’s fine!

You will have given them the chance to benefit from your service and yourself a chance to earn some cash doing what you enjoy!

If your feels are getting in the way of your biz, I’ve been there and I can help! Email 🙂

Whenever you're ready..

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1. ​Creative mentoring
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2. Book a mentoring call
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