Y’know what’s holding you back?
It’s not not knowing what you need to do (you know enough to get started (you know that!))
It’s not your confidence – you do things with confidence all the time.
You aren’t risk averse! FM you’re a freelancer, you do risky stuff all the time!
You ready for it?
It’s coming…
You don’t want to be wrong.
My wife’s gonna complain about the language here (she doesn’t like to be wrong either..).
She would say (rightly) that words like wrong or right aren’t useful. Life is as it is, so how can something that is as the universe intended be wrong?
But we’re not talking to Alan Watts here, we’re talking to the wee child that lives inside you.
The one that was laughed at for wearing the wrong thing to school.
The one who was picked on for being different.
The one who was told off by an adult for doing something they thought was perfectly ok to do.
The reason people want the five steps to success is because they want the win without the possibility of feeling weird.
They don’t want to feel like it seems they don’t know what they’re doing.
They don’t want to feel like someone is laughing at them.
They don’t want to feel like they’ve made a mistake.
But let’s be honest, no one goes through life without making a mistake. And no one achieves anything without making a mistake.
Kanye said I made a million mistakes but I’m successful in spite of them. If you’re not into Ye [EDIT: understandable after recent events] there’s an Edison quote that says the same thing..
I don’t agree with Ye’s version of “success” but he’s right! You have an opinion about him because of the things he’s done in his life. But what you can’t deny is (by the capitalist metrics) he’s successful.
The thing he did different, is relentlessly believed in himself. He was willing to make the mistakes and deal with the consequences because, to him, doing nothing is worse than doing what you want and being “wrong” in someone else’s eyes.
There are nearly eight billion humans on this earth. You know maybe a few hundred of them. And of those maybe five properly give a shit about what you do.
Those five will care about you no. Matter. What.
If you can be comfortable with making mistakes, if you can be comfortable with being wrong in a new way every day, you’ll get more of what you want and you’ll get it faster.
I don’t agree with Ye’s version of “success”, but I know for a fact if he was afraid of being wrong we wouldn’t know who he is.
If you relate to this and want help being comfortable being wrong, I can help! Email me and let’s chat!