If you live in the UK today is a bank holiday.
That means the banks aren’t open, the trains run reduced service, shops close, public services are closed, doctor’s surgeries are closed and a load of folk get a day off.
This one’s a weird one though.
This time last month it wasn’t a bank holiday.
Yet now it is..?
Proposals for extra bank holidays are regularly rejected by UK governments, they’re very expensive to the economy, don’t you know..
But something of such magnitude has happened that means we, the plebs, must have this time off, regardless of the cost!
Now I’m not here to pass comment on recent events but there’s something us freelance types can learn from them.
The people with power have shown us that some things are more important than work.
Some things are more important than a nation’s pride or England’s women winning the World Cup (for wordplay enthusiast they could be the same thing..).
Some things are so important we can throw out the regular way of doing things and just take a day off!
Like really. You can just take a day off.
No guilt. No shame. No out of office.
You can ignore the people who say you can’t afford it.
You can ignore the deadlines.
You can ignore the Instagram grinders, the Gary Vees and the Prime Minister who says you’re lazy.
All you have to do is decide what’s important to you.
Go visit your friend. Go sit in the park. Sleep all day if you want to!
Your life is not about work. You were not burst into consciousness from the infinite nothingness to work endlessly.
If you need a day off, hell, if you want a day off, then take it!
Take a break. Get some headspace. You’ll feel better for it!
Because if millions of people can take a day off for no reason (seriously I’ve Googled it, what’s happening?), then you can do the same.
It’s just takes a wee change in how you think 🙂
If you want to take days off without feeling bad about it, just do it!
[First published on the day of the Queen’s funeral]