You know me, I’m not one to work weekends… Yet here I am writing a blog on a Sunday. What? Why?? How come??? Hypocrite! Look,

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Sometimes it’s right to break your own rules

You know me, I’m not one to work weekends…

Yet here I am writing a blog on a Sunday.

What? Why?? How come???


Look, life is a wonderful thing and I looove me my free time. I tell people don’t work weekends for nobody!! But if you’re uptight about your own rules you become a prisoner to them.

You become a prisoner to the version of you that made those rules instead of being flexible and adjusting to your own needs. And it’s you who made the rules to suit your own needs!

So why shouldn’t you be able to break your own rules if it suits your current purpose?!

We aren’t unchanging monoliths bound to be the same forever. We’re animals, we’re literally made to adapt!

And we don’t need to care what other people think about it. You don’t need to process our behaviours through other peoples opinions.

So here’s me, publicly breaking my own rule.

Ja, it’s Sunday and ja, I’m writing an email to you instead of going outside but I had some stuff to do and if I left it till tomorrow it’d have been a pain.

Once am done here my Sunday work is complete. I’ll be away out for a walk and probs a street beer (sometimes breaking other people’s rules are fun too..).

If you read this today, have a lovely Sunday! And if you read this on Monday, I’m glad you had a weekend away from your emails.

Love u byeeeeee x

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