Have you ever asked yourself if people care about your business?  Most freelancers only see their biz from their point of view. For what it

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To make more money, make people care

Have you ever asked yourself if people care about your business? 

Most freelancers only see their biz from their point of view. For what it can do for them. But we know from our projects, that approach doesn’t serve us long term.

You don’t have to change your approach.. If you’re doing what you want, earning enough for the life you want and you’re happy – you’ve won. I have so much respect for that. But if you have aspirations to grow a business the way you want and you don’t know why people should care, you’re going to need a miracle to be successful.  

Let me ask you some questions:

  • Why do people buy from you?
  • What value do they get from what you do?
  • What do your clients want most in the world?
  • Why do they choose you over other people? 

Can you answer them? For most folk the answer would be no. Or if they can, the answers they could give aren’t the best..

Having solid answers will help you understand your clients and deliver a better service for them. Maybe even help you make more money 😉 

So for real, if your business stopped existing tomorrow, would anyone actually care? If you weren’t doing what you’re doing, could someone else easily fill your place? 

If the answer to the first is no or the answer to the second is yes, then you can improve how you serve the needs of your clients! 

What would life be like if you actually understood who they are, what they aspire to and how you can help them achieve that?  How much could you earn if you knew exactly why people should give a shit about what you do? Could you make yourself indispensable to your clients, your community and the people around you? 

Ready to make people give a care?

Photo by MARK ADRIANE on Unsplash

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