Designer.. Art Director.. Freelance Mentor..
I’m Orwell, I’m an independent brand specialist and Art Director based in Berlin.
I’ve been freelancing since 2011 when I designed the logo for Scotland’s Dodgeball team. I’ve created for clients all over the world including The UN, Doctors Without Borders and BBC Studios.
Some people I’ve worked with that you may have heard of
Some people I’ve worked with that you may have heard of
I'll tell you a secret..
I've failed,
like, a lot.
I’ve been freelancing for a long time and it hasn’t all been plain sailing.
I’ve gone months without income. I’ve made myself miserable with work. I’ve undercharged on projects for fear of losing clients. I’ve lost big projects for stupid reasons. I’ve missed opportunities because I didn’t have the confidence to go for it. I’ve lost close relationships because I was too focused on work. I’ve burned out over and over again.
I’ve made a million mistakes and I’m successful because of them.
Without failure their are no lessons.
Each time I failed, slipped or made a mistake, I’ve picked myself up, learned what I can and got back to work. That attitude, that resilience, led to me working with dream clients on projects that effected people’s lives all over the world.
I’ve turned turned those lessons into a programme full of practical skills, tools and systems that enable you to live the freelance life you want.
But really..
Failure is part of the process
What I'll show you is..
The antidote to the 6 figure hustle culture bullsh*t
When you freelance you have access to a world most people couldn’t even dream of. You can work when you want, with who you want on projects you want. You choose the dreams you want to follow and set the path that makes those dreams your reality! It’s pretty wild!
But it’s so easy to lose your way. To fall into bad habits, endlessly working, pushed and pulled by demanding clients. I’ve done it myself. The first year my biz earned six figures I was miserable. Overworked, burnt out with strained relationships all around me. I told myself never again!
What I’ll show you is the antidote to the 6 figure hustle culture bullshit. I’ll show you how to intentionally create your business to give you the time and money to live a life that brings you joy!
Believe in Yourself
Be the Best
You Can Be
Are you ready to create the freelance life you want?
I’ll show you the practical skills that have helped over 100 freelancers make more money, gain back time and live a the freelance life they want