Spend less time marketing and..

Attract new projects with ease

Marketing is one of the biggest struggles of all freelancers. Finding the time and headspace to connect with clients, sell ourselves and bring the projects coming in.

In this masterclass I’ll show you how to:

  • Get out of the boom and bust
  • Overcome what’s stopping you from consistently marketing
  • Save time on marketing by creating what you need to promote yourself while you’re delivering projects
"I'm always sceptical of "easy" solutions, but the ideas Orwell shares are so straightforward it feels silly I wasn't doing them before"
Rob, Art Director

Practical steps to..

Marketing on easy mode

Freelancing can feel like a boom and bust. One minute you’re fully booked with no time for anything, the next you’re scratching around for any project you can get. 

Depending on who you ask there’s never a good time to be getting work.. it’s the summer dip, the winter pause or any excuse for why your marketing isn’t bringing in work.

What if you could kick the cycle and keep the opportunities coming even when you’re busy?

In this Masterclass I show you how to stop spending hours on your marketing so you can always be promoting yourself even when you’re busy.

Watch for free!

» Easy to follow systems that save you time on your marketing
» Diversify how you bring in projects
» Make marketing part of your offboarding process
» Spend less time marketing and more time creating!

"So many great insights packed into 20 minutes! So simple as well, Orwell sparked ideas I can't wait to try in my own business."
Amy, Illustrator
Get instant access to this Masterclass 👇


Are you ready to create the freelance life you want?

I’ll show you the practical skills that have helped over 100 freelancers make more money, gain back time and live a the freelance life they want